ArtWear by Egelund
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Be a part of our artWear society

Support artists and art culture

Artwear by Egelund is art for you to wear. It is unique designed T-shirts, hoodies and bags.

If you buy artWear, you support an artist and on the same time you get a piece of clothes that is unique designed by talented artists.

ArtWear by Egelund is a way of supporting artist and art culture in difficult times, where the artist can’t display art in the gallery.

By wearing art clothes, you become a part of a society that supports artist and art culture during the global Corona crisis.

My hope is, that my collection of artWear brings positive vibes in to our lives while being at home, working, home schooling our kids, being alone or with our families.

Once you get your order, please share the moment, take a picture of your self and post it on social media. This is the way we make a wave of positive feed in our social media channels, and I feel we need it.

Your Sincerely,

Christoffer Egelund

As a consequence of the Corona virus and governmental recommendations, the gallery is at the moment only open for online sales. If you want to have a look you are welcome to call or write us. We do also deliver previews at you home address - You can still get art!

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